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33 捐赠作品
59 作品
299 艺术年表^_^Contents
33 Works Presented to The Palace Museum
59 Art Works
299 Chronology
图版目录^_^Illustrated Catalogue
35 朱荷碧盖^_^Red Lotus and Green Leaves
39 喜马拉雅山^_^Himalayas
41 故宫双柏^_^Double Cypress in The Forbidden City
43 金碧大荷塘^_^Golden Green Large Lotus Pond
53 长江万里图^_^The Great Yangze River
61 母女^_^Mother and Daughter
63 三姐妹^_^Three Sisters
67 交谈^_^Chat
69 带头巾的母亲^_^Mother with A Scarf
71 镜子前的两个模特^_^Two Women in front of The Mirror
75 玉兰花开^_^Magnolia
77 香蕉园^_^The Banana Orchard
79 南毗尼的香蕉园^_^Banana Orchards in South Lumbini
83 蝴蝶花^_^Iris
85 山花^_^Wildflowers
89 幽香^_^Fragrance of The Blossoms
93 野塘秋荷^_^Autumn Lotus in The Pond
95 风荷韵致^_^Lotus in The Wind
99 秋色秋香^_^Autumn Lotus Pond
101 朱荷^_^The Red Lotus
105 夏荫溢翠^_^Summer Shade
109 青绿荷塘^_^Green Lotus Pond
113 唐榆夜色^_^Tang Dynasty Elm in The Moonlight
117 蒲松龄书屋^_^Pu Songling’s Studio
119 黄桷树^_^Ficus Virens
121 雪晴^_^After Snow
123 晨曲^_^The Rhythm of The Morning
125 香山松林^_^Pines in Fragrant Hills
127 清、奇、古、怪^_^Han Dynasty Cypress(Green/Peculiar/Ancient/Queer)
135 紫藤^_^Wisteria
137 无锡梅园^_^Plum Garden in Wuxi City
139 梯田山色^_^Terraces
142 尼泊尔写生(一)^_^Nepal Sketch(No.1)
143 尼泊尔写生(二)^_^Nepal Sketch(No.2)
145 长白山^_^Changbai Mountain
147 山山水水^_^The Mountains and Rivers
149 途中^_^Traveling
151 雪山脚下^_^Under The Snow Mountains
155 珠峰南翼^_^South Wing of Mount Qamolagma
159 春山^_^Spring Mountain
161 金碧春晓^_^Golden Green Spring Morning
163 蓝山^_^Blue Mountain
167 山村秋色^_^Autumn in Mountain Village
169 秋风^_^Autumn Wind
171 北雁归来^_^The Wildgoose Flew back from North
173 秋^_^Autumn
177 富春江上^_^The Fuchun River
179 龙须岛渔村^_^The Fishing Village
183 渔民之家^_^A Family of Fishermen
187 阊门水乡^_^Changmen Watertown
189 乌镇途中^_^On the Way to Wuzhen
190 淡水桶(浙东渔村之一)^_^The Fresh Water Buckets(Fishing Village in East Zhejiang,No.1)
191 石头坡(浙东渔村之二) The Stone Pathway(Fishing^_^Village in East Zhejiang,No.2)
192 石塘人家(浙东渔村之三)^_^The Family Houses in Shitang Town(Fishing Village in East Zhejiang,No.3)
193 渔港小巷(浙东渔村之四)^_^The Fishing Port Alley(Fishing Village in East Zhejiang,No.4)
197 江南水乡^_^The Southern Watertown
199 绍兴柯桥^_^Ke Bridge in Shaoxing City
203 拙政园^_^The Humble Administrator’s Garden
207 雨中水乡^_^Rivers and Lakes Under The Rain
211 纽约大桥^_^New York Bridge
215 清供花香^_^Flowers of The Memorial Day
217 窗前盆花^_^Potted Flowers before The Window
219 墨花^_^Ink Flowers
221 藕^_^Lotus Root
225 遥祭外婆家^_^Memories of Grandmother’s Hometown
229 红果^_^Malus Asiatica
231 莲蓬^_^Seedpod of Lotus
233 盆花^_^The Flowers
235 荷塘印象^_^Impression of The Lotus Pond
237 盛夏^_^Summer
239 金色池塘^_^Golden Pond
241 荷塘月色^_^Lotus Pond in The Moonlight
243 荷塘小鸟^_^A Bird in The Lotus Pond
245 荷^_^Lotus
249 翠溢红花^_^Red Lotus
251 金碧荷塘^_^Golden Green Lotus Pond
254 对语^_^Dialogue
255 白荷图^_^White Lotus
262 花开花落^_^The Flower From Beginning to The End
267 晨雾^_^Morning Mist
269 雨露清晨^_^Dew in The Morning
274 彩墨荷塘(一)^_^The Lotus Pond in Color and Ink(No.1)
273 彩墨荷塘(二)^_^The Lotus Pond in Color and Ink(No.2)
275 晨曦荷韵^_^The First Ray of Sunshine
279 绿荫深处^_^Shade Depths
281 夏风绿韵^_^The Rhyme of The Summer Wind
283 朱荷^_^Red Lotus
285 雨蒙蒙^_^The Misty Rain
289 水墨荷塘^_^Lotus Pond
293 晨风^_^The Morning Wind
295 三友图^_^Three Friends





